
Frequently asked questions

About Quotes Quest

Quotes Quest provides a new way to access thousands of quotes. We provide quotes from celebrities, athletes, politicians and authors in multi languages. We’re a passionate & enthusiastic group that loves quotes. Our mission is to share what we know with the world.

Why quotes are important?

Everyday thousands of people are looking for an appropriate idea and sentence for their wedding anniversary, birthday, new year message and so on. These messages are helping the world to spread love and friendship. we are happy to be a little part of way for sharing beautiful messages.

What can we learn?

People use Quotes to glimpse into the history of our world and how it’s changed. All of The quotes that we are providing are special because they capture the spirit and beliefs of people from previous generations from worldwide nations. They’re here to help the younger generations learn about themselves and what makes them different.

How Quotes APP works?

Quote Quest is a free service supported by ads. Our advertising team creates ad campaigns for high-quality advertisers with credible networks. We carefully screen our ads to ensure that they are family-friendly and we block any invasive or unwelcome adverts. This is because we understand the importance of our audience and want to keep you happy.

How you update your database?

Quotes Quest knows that every day, people have something new to say. Our team is committed to bringing you the latest and most pertinent quotes from around the world.  We look for quotes by reading articles, interviews and editorials from sources such as magazines and newspapers. We carry quotes from a diverse range of authors & enjoy learning about new creative minds.

Does Quotes APP work on mobile or desktop?

Quotes APP will work with desktop and mobile search results across all standard and updated browsers.

Do you provide special services?

Would you like to access your own data as fast and easy as possible? This possibility is intended for those who wish to use the capabilities of the site in person. Quotes Quest team make it possible to convert any type of data (paper book, article, e-book, audio file or video) into a searchable text database for special members. Also, there is no limit to the subject of your content and the subject of digital data can be in any field. Imagine that you have converted your favorite book into a searchable database that allows you to find a sentence or paragraph just by saying a word or keyword! It’s a special offer for our premium members. Contact us to find out more about it. We will do it tailored to your needs.

How you support customers?

Quotes Quest focuses obsessively on ensuring the highest standards with regards to quality & accuracy. We appreciate your comments and suggestions, if you find an error that has slipped through the cracks, simply let us know, and we’ll fix it immediately. You can reach us by our contact form or email.

If you are still looking for more information then you can contact us  through one of our preferred contact methods:

  • Email: contact@quotesquests.com
  • By visiting our contact page.