I personally think that if you deny something or …– Amber Heard
I personally think that if you deny something or if you hide something you’re inadvertently admitting it’s wrong.
I personally think that if you deny something or if you hide something you’re inadvertently admitting it’s wrong.
I think the main struggle for women in Hollywood and women in my position is to fight for true representation in the media and accurate
My very best friend died in a car accident when I was 16 years old. That was the hardest blow emotionally that I have ever
You can’t respect yourself if you’re afraid to be who you are.
I’ve always been a private person, and I’ve always valued my private life.
I used to be very interested in the history of women’s rights in this country and in other countries. I tried to learn as much
I think there’s a part when you sign your soul to the devil and start working in Los Angeles that you also sign away that
Every article I’ve read about myself always winds up concluding that I am not, in fact, completely stupid.
Can you ever imagine yourself in a situation like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie or Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, where the world feels like
I am constantly struggling to show people that there is more to me than my appearance. You do have to try and overcome those hurdles.
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