That’s the misconceptions that people have…
– Chuck Berry

That’s the misconceptions that people have, that Chuck Berry went to jail. They’re just totally wrong. It might have said something in the large papers in the bigger city headlines and things. But, you take a look at any of the local papers, and you will see that I was acquitted. I never went to […]

A contract is an ask game…
– Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry

A contract is an ask game, and if it asks for an hour, and I submit to an hour, then it’s an hour. When I look at a contract, I look at the obligation – where, when, how long, the compensation. If I agree to it, that’s the way it is. I have an obligation. […]

I just feel I got my inspiration…
– Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry

I just feel I got my inspiration, education and all from others that came before me. And I added my… I don’t even know if I added anything. I played what they played, and it sounded different, I guess.