It’s one of the hardest things in the world to …
– John Niven

It’s one of the hardest things in the world to sustain a monogamous relationship for many years. People out there who have been with their partners for 30 years or more – I salute you. But it’s just as hard to admit something isn’t working and then try to manage a civilised separation as best […]

My family went to Toronto to visit relatives when …
– John Niven

My family went to Toronto to visit relatives when I was 13 or 14. It was the first time we had ever been abroad. This was the early Eighties, and I remember the impossible glamour of air travel – my mum spending days trying to decide what she was going to wear on the plane.

I had left the music industry at the end of 2001…
– John Niven

I had left the music industry at the end of 2001, after 10 years, and had spent three years writing every single day – producing two unpublished novels, one abandoned novel, and three unproduced screenplays. The word ‘no’ and I were on more than nodding terms. The word ‘no’ and I were talking about going […]

From everything I can read about Aussie spiders…
– John Niven

From everything I can read about Aussie spiders, it seems like all they really like doing is hiding in your house or garden or car until you ‘accidentally’ disturb them – probably by doing something crazy like putting on the shoe they are lurking in – and they can officially bite you to pieces.

I love England. I live and work here…
– John Niven

I love England. I live and work here. My children have grown up here. I see no conflict between this and praying that my countrymen in Scotland never have to live another day under Conservative rule from London.

The Clash had a unique…
– John Niven

The Clash had a unique, special relationship with Scotland. Perhaps it was something to do with the energy, anger and beauty in their music. In Scotland at that time, there was a lot of to be angry about. And a great need of some energy and beauty.