If men do not now succeed in abolishing war…– Ludwig von Mises
If men do not now succeed in abolishing war, civilization and mankind are doomed.
If men do not now succeed in abolishing war, civilization and mankind are doomed.
Human civilization is not something achieved against nature; it is rather the outcome of the working of the innate qualities of man.
Wars of aggression are popular nowadays with those nations convinced that only victory and conquest could improve their material well-being.
The attainment of the economic aims of man presupposes peace.
Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade
Men are fighting… because they are convinced that the extermination of adversaries is the only means of promoting their own well-being.
Peace and not war is the father of all things.
Whoever wants peace among nations must seek to limit the state and its influence most strictly.
If history could teach us anything, it would be that private property is inextricably linked with civilization.
Whoever wishes peace among peoples must fight statism.
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