The Berlin Wall comes down in ’89…
– Neal Brennan

Neal Brennan

The Berlin Wall comes down in ’89, so then there’s basically a vacuum of who was the enemy and then Fox News comes along in ’95 and it becomes Democrat versus Republican. Now people on the right are fed a steady diet of anti Democratic party propaganda so they believe Democrats are the enemy and […]

If I go to the store…
– Neal Brennan

Neal Brennan

If I go to the store, I’m not trying to slip in the middle of the aisle so I can talk about it onstage. I’m at the store because I need food or medicine.

I love doing stand up…
– Neal Brennan

Neal Brennan

I love doing stand up. I think it’s a really worthwhile art form. It’s so unique in all the things it combines, in terms of it being philosophizing, preaching, speaking truth to power and basic communicating. It’s a good way to talk back to the world.