Every day, I absorb countless data bits through …
– Yuval Noah Harari

Every day, I absorb countless data bits through emails, phone calls, and articles; process the data; and transmit back new bits through more emails, phone calls, and articles. I don’t really know where I fit into the great scheme of things and how my bits of data connect with the bits produced by billions of […]

Take Google Maps or Waze…
– Yuval Noah Harari

Take Google Maps or Waze. On the one hand, they amplify human ability – you are able to reach your destination faster and more easily. But at the same time, you are shifting the authority to the algorithm and losing your ability to find your own way.

The truly unique trait of ‘Sapiens’ is our ability …
– Yuval Noah Harari

The truly unique trait of ‘Sapiens’ is our ability to create and believe fiction. All other animals use their communication system to describe reality. We use our communication system to create new realities. Of course, not all fictions are shared by all humans, but at least one has become universal in our world, and this […]

Humans have an amazing capacity to believe in …
– Yuval Noah Harari

Humans have an amazing capacity to believe in contradictory things. For example, to believe in an omnipotent and benevolent God but somehow excuse Him from all the suffering in the world. Or our ability to believe from the standpoint of law that humans are equal and have free will and from biology that humans are […]